Saturday, January 30, 2010

chance vs challenge,.... fast track vs sidepath

A good employee will get promotion (vertical mobility) or tour-of-duty (horizontal mobility).
Employee who got horizontal mobility usually face 2 major challenges:
1. adjust himself to new subordinates
2. modify his subordinates to suit his style.
The perfect balance between this two is probably utopia, but with effort, employee could master this change within reasonably short time.

fast track or side path,...
kan selalu ada kesempatan dan tantangan tersendiri,
semestinya hanya 4JJI yang paling tahu jalan mana yg terbaik dan yang paling barokah.


1 comment:

febs said...

Allah always knows what best for us. cos what we wanted is not always what we needed.
sebagai sesama korban, sebaiknya kita jadi tikus-tikus yg siap cari keju di tempat lain daripada jadi kurcaci yg teteup ngotot ga mau adjust ama keadaan baru :p
semangat oom!!