Thursday, May 20, 2010

why (not) her?

why not her?
"'cause she's to beautiful for me"

why not her?
"'cause she loves me too much"

why not her?
"'cause she's my best friend"

why not her?
"'cause she's somebody's wife"

why not her?
"'cause she's a widow now"

why not her?
"'cause she's too rich for me"

why not her?
"'cause she's doesn't love me"

why not her?
"'cause I need a miracle to makes her falling in love with me"

why not her?
"'cause she's belong to somebody"

And why her?
" why not?"

but, did u?
"yes, I like her"

And what if,...?
hhmm,.... maybe!

why yes???
"YES, Off course I lOVE HER more !"
(after my mom, off course)

- so why can't we get merried? -


Unknown said...

jadi pirang q la botting? hehehehe

Ajeng said...

hehe seru amat...
ayo pak, jangan ditunda2 =)

Karaeng 9alink said...

mohon doa nya sajah,...

@ ajeng : ini dah lama sebenarnya, cuman baru kepikiran buat dirilis .
btw, yg menunda itu elu bukan??
he he he,... piss..

Lilya said...

hah! brilliant. :-)